Training and Consultancy

There’s no excuse for offering disabled people a substandard service. I designed my training and consultancy to create industry leaders in accessibility. Why have a reputation for adequacy, when you could have a reputation for excellence.

If you’re ready to develop that, I’m ready to support you on that journey

Training Packages

I offer a range of bespoke and off-the-shelf training packages for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. These can be general, or can focus on disability.

They come together into a stepwise programme designed to support organisations on their anti-ableist journey. The packages include:

Introductory Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training. Exploring discrimination, law, and what organisations can do to model good practice, either specific to disability or more broadly

Disability Awareness training. Understanding who disabled people are, how they interact with your organisation, and what needs to be done to be legally compliant

Disability Equality training. Furthering your knowledge of the disabling barriers people face, and of the steps you and your organisation can take to change that. With ‘awareness’ you learn that we’re here, and with ‘equality’ you learn how to give us that.

Disability Justice training. This introduces you to a model that goes beyond rights and into justice and equity. It is designed to demonstrates the ways disability operates, supporting people and organisations to move towards a framework of justice, not sympathy.

Anti-Ableism training, exploring how organisations can move beyond equality and inclusion to becoming actively anti-ableist as organisations. This will dismantle the idea that we are (or should be) non-disabled, reframing your perspective entirely.

  • I also offer
    Returning packages. These include regular refreshers for new staff and a step-by-step progressive training designed to take you through your anti-ableism journey
  • Bespoke training developed alongside your organisation, reflecting your challenges and supporting staff to learn and change
  • Joint training and consultancy packages allowing a root-to-branch approach to understanding and changing your organisation

Bespoke Consultancy

Training is about giving you the knowledge and expertise to work better – but consultancy goes further. My bespoke organisational development consultancy starts from a point of learning. In it, I bring my creative expertise to overcoming the challenges your organisation faces, recognising the constraints it exists within.

I am experienced in using a variety of approaches to gather research and understanding on organisational challenges. I prefer to ensure that before I begin to make change, I understand the key problem areas. Research methods have included:

  • Informal conversations with one or more members of staff (and/or customers, clients and service users) at the organisation
  • Analysis of HR policies and processes
  • Surveys into the individual and collective experiences of staff and clients/customers to understand
  • Visiting your physical and virtual spaces to assess accessibility for a wide range of user-groups
  • Reading feedback the organisation has received
  • Holding focus groups either with internal staff or external stakeholders

My findings from the initial research enable me to formulate development proposals and support you through that process. This development consultancy might include:

  • Mentoring and coaching for staff
  • Training for individuals, small groups and the whole organisation, focusing on specific areas
  • Report-writing and developing formalised recommendations
  • Regular input supporting you as you grow and change the way you operate

What matters most to me is that you receive the support you need to ensure disabled people don’t face any unnecessary barriers. The changes you make will help us exist in our communities, and work with your organisation, welcome, integrated, and central.

Jamie ran two excellent workshops on disability justice for our staff team at NEON. The workshops helped us to develop a deeper understanding of contemporary issues facing disabled people, particularly within our social movement spaces, and explored how we can apply that knowledge in practical ways we can develop and deliver our programmes.

Katie Shaw NEON (New Economy Organisers Network)

Jamie’s bespoke disability awareness training sessions are informative, interactive, and dynamic. They worked with us carefully to ensure that the training met the needs of the participants and spoke to their specific concerns. They have transformed our understandings of disability, enabled us to support colleagues and students more effectively, and empowered us to forge creative solutions to a range of issues. We are so fortunate to have benefited from Jamie’s expertise, and heartily recommend them as a trainer to any organisation. 

Professor Gillian Roberts and Dr Tara Webster-Deakin – Faculty of Arts, Nottingham University