Accessibility Assessment

As well as my creative services and training and consultancy, I offer accessibility assessments. To find out more and discuss potential fees:

Accessibility Assessment

When you provide goods and services, you are legally obliged to make those accessible to disabled people. However, where do you start?

Whether you’re a restaurant, a theatre, or seeking out a conference call, there’s lots to think about. Is your space safe, are the provisions you’ve made acceptable – and is it actively welcoming to disabled people?

I can examine your buildings and carry out an accessibility assessment. This might include physical and virtual site visits or mystery shopping, or might focus more on organsiational cultures and processes. I will explore the way your work interacts with the needs of a wide variety of people, including:

  • Deaf people who sign BSL, and other deaf and hard of hearing people
  • Neurodivergent people
  • People with long-term health conditions
  • People with mental health conditions
  • People with learning disabilities
  • Blind and visually impaired people
  • People with physical and/or mobility impairments
  • People with energy-limiting conditions
  • People with multiple conditions – and more

The assessment process will support you in ensuring disabled people are at the heart of your work, identifying clear and targeted ways you can make improvements to access, whether inward or outward-facing.