I have been creatively stuck at many points. I’ve felt like I’d never write again, like my work wouldn’t come together, like I didn’t know what to do next, and like I should give up as a writer. Creative mentoring saved my practice – which is why I’m so passionate about offering it to others.

One of my favourite things is working with other creatives to help them develop their work in new directions. I have extensive expertise working in creative mentoring across a range of genres. From tight textual analyses to broader discussions on creative work or career, I’m committed to your development. I offer a range of one-off mentoring sessions, creative feedback sessions, and structured mentoring over an extended period.
The benefits of creative mentoring
About three years ago – before I started receiving creative mentoring myself – I thought “maybe one day, I will be able to call myself a poet”. A few years later, Verve Poetry Press published my first pamphlet. Hannah Gadsby called my work “fantastic”. Jerwood Arts awarded me a Jerwood Compton Poetry Fellowship, The Barbican Centre featured me as an artist. I even achieved my life goal of being on Poetry Please. I thought – “I’ve made it” – but my mentor’s approach was always “what next”?
Without that mentoring, I don’t think I would have finished writing a pamphlet. I doubt I’d have founded CRIPtic Arts, or even really taken myself seriously as a creative. Having someone believing in me, but expecting me to work to achieve my aspirations allowed me to unlock so much of my own potential.
As a result, I’m passionate about doing this work with other creatives. I want to support you to understand what you really want to achieve – and help you work out how to go about it.
Working as a disabled creative
Coming from a perspective as a disabled creative, I know that there are so many insurmountable industry barriers. However, there are also ways forward, and the industry is changing for the better.
I am experienced at working with a range of creatives, including neurodivergent creatives, those with mental health problems, deaf BSL signers (through interpreters), and people with physical or energy-limiting impairments. This means I’m used to adapting my methods to support you, rather than assuming you will fit into my box.
Fees and funding
If you are looking for Arts Council England funding for either a project or their Developing Your Creative Practice strand, I would be happy to discuss fees for mentoring and creative feedback ahead of your application. I would also be happy to work as a partner on appropriate applications.
I charge on a sliding scale to ensure that I am also able to offer targeted support to those who need it – but that relies on me also supporting people who are more able to afford to pay higher rates. A one-off 2.5 hour (including break) mentoring session is typically £250, but there are reduced rates available for block bookings. Sliding scale slots become available depending on other bookings, but please email me to discuss.
For my rates for textual and creative feedback, please email jamie@cripticarts.org.
If you’re looking to work with me as a creative, please see my creative work page instead